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Greater Chicago Food Depository Hunger Walk

Saturday, September 7, 2019
6:15 am12:00 pm
Jackson Park, Chicago

Recently, UCP Seguin of Greater Chicago opened up the Food Hub in partnership with the Greater Chicago Food Depository (GCFD). With this new partnership we have the ability to partake in the GCFD annual Hunger Walk at Jackson Park on Saturday, September 7, 2019.

We are trying to get enough people to sign up for this walk to show the GCFD that we value our partnership by arriving with a bus load of people to represent UCP Seguin. Before we can order a bus we need to make sure we have 35 people in each bus to ensure the buses are at no cost to UCP Seguin. People would need to arrive at 3100 S Central no later than 6:15 am on Saturday, September 7, 2019.

Below is the link to the Hunger Walk registration page as well as the Agency Code, so UCP Seguin gets credit for your participation. All are welcome to join us - significant other, kids, grandchildren, parents - all you have to do is sign them up.
Agency Number: A01580

The deadline for registration is August 26, 2019. If we get more than 15 people to sign up we will all get free swag courtesy of the GCFD!