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Current Job Openings

Employment Training Specialist Coordinator

Assists developmentally disabled persons in understanding the meaning, value and demands of work in the community by modifying or developing attitudes, personal characteristics, work behaviors, and functional skills as needs to achieve optimum independence/participation.

As a Direct Support Professional (DSP): Provide support & comfort to people with developmental and other disabilities, assisting them to lead self-directed lives, achieve their personal goals and contribute to their community; and encourage attitudes and behaviors that enhance inclusion in their communities.

Bachelor preferred in rehabilitation or human service field. High School Diploma. Minimum of 6 months of previous work experience in community work settings with persons with Developmental disabilities. Illinois Drivers License required.
Must have and use own automobile with current insurance.


Additional compensation for experience & Education:

  • 4+ Years Fulltime related + $1,000
  • 4+ Years Full-time Professional  $2,000
  • Master's Degree + $2,000 


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☎ 708.222.4258